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In the world of professional wrestling, leg drops are powerful and crowd-pleasing moves that can leave a lasting impact on opponents. This article will explore the art of leg drop wrestling, including leg wrestling moves, the wrestling leg ride, the purpose of leg slaps in wrestling, and effective defenses against the leg ride.

What this article covers:

1. Leg Wrestling Moves:

Leg wrestling moves encompass various techniques that involve using your legs to gain an advantage over your opponent. While leg drops are a prominent aspect of leg wrestling, there are other moves worth mentioning:

a) Leg Lariat: The leg lariat is a high-impact move where a wrestler jumps into the air, extending one leg to strike their opponent's upper body or head. This move requires precise timing and agility to execute effectively, and it can result in a significant advantage in the match.

b) Leg Whip: A leg whip involves grabbing your opponent's leg and forcefully swinging it in a lateral or circular motion. This technique can destabilize your opponent's balance and create openings for takedowns or transitions into other moves.

LEG RIDING MADE EASY from Malik Amine and FanaticWrestling.com is available now!

leg drop wrestling move

2. Wrestling Leg Ride:

The wrestling leg ride is a strategic maneuver that aims to control and immobilize your opponent by using their legs. This technique requires a combination of balance, strength, and positioning. Here's a glimpse into leg ride wrestling:

a) Cross Body Ride: The cross body ride involves wrapping your arm around your opponent's leg while maintaining a parallel position. By exerting pressure and leveraging your body weight, you can control your opponent's movements, score points, or even attempt a pin.

b) Spiral Ride: In the spiral ride, the wrestler positions themselves diagonally behind their opponent. By securing control of the leg and utilizing body positioning, the wrestler can maintain control, keep their opponent off balance, and create scoring opportunities.

3. Leg Slap in Wrestling:

A leg slap is a technique primarily seen in professional wrestling, specifically in entertainment-based promotions. It involves a wrestler slapping their own thigh or leg during a strike or impact to create a loud sound effect. Leg slaps are utilized to enhance the perception of the move's impact and engage the audience. It is important to note that leg slaps are more prevalent in entertainment-focused wrestling rather than traditional amateur wrestling.

4. Defending the Leg Ride in Wrestling:

Effectively defending against the leg ride is essential for maintaining control and preventing your opponent from scoring. Here are a few defensive strategies to consider:

a) Solid Base and Balance: Focus on maintaining a strong base and solid balance to defend against the leg ride. By establishing a stable position, you make it more challenging for your opponent to control your legs and execute leg wrestling moves effectively.

b) Leg Defense Techniques: Practice leg defense techniques such as leg pummeling, leg clearing, or counters specifically designed to neutralize leg ride attempts. These moves can help you regain control and create counterattacking opportunities.

c) Hand Fighting: Effective hand fighting can disrupt your opponent's leg ride attempts. By controlling their hands and wrists, you limit their ability to secure leg rides and manipulate your positioning.


Leg drop wrestling is an exciting aspect of professional wrestling, where powerful leg-based moves captivate audiences. Understanding leg wrestling moves, such as leg lariats and leg whips, can help wrestlers gain an advantage. While leg slaps primarily pertain to entertainment-based wrestling, they contribute to the theatricality of the sport. Lastly, mastering defensive techniques against the leg ride is crucial for maintaining control and thriving in the competitive world of wrestling. Keep training, honing your skills, and expanding your repertoire to become a force to be reckoned with in the ring.

LEG RIDING MADE EASY from Malik Amine and FanaticWrestling.com is available now!

wrestling leg drop

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