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Tomahawk Trip from Logan Stieber

Tomahawk Trip from Logan Stieber

 World Championship Style Takedown From Stieber

Logan "Logie Bear" Stieber is one of the most decorated American freestyle wrestlers in history.  He is a 2016 World Freestyle Champion at 66kg, as well as a four time NCAA Division 1 Champion.  He is currently a coach at one of the most prestigious wrestling laboratories in the world, the Ohio Regional Training Center.

In this video, excerpted from his new series World Championship Takedowns available from Fanatic Wrestling here, he carefully breaks down and exploits the reactions of his opponent as he sets up a beautiful single leg and then easily takes down the opponent.  Check it out for yourself below!

 For more from Logan Stieber, head over to Fanatic Wrestling and check out World Championship Takedowns available now!  You will not be disappointed.