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Post Counter Double Leg by Bekzod Abdurakhminov

Post Counter Double Leg by Bekzod Abdurakhminov


Distance is key in wrestling. Knowing how to advance on your opponent with enough spacial awareness to hit your takedown efficiently can be the difference between two points and wasted movement.

But can this strategy be used defensively?

Working a takedown off of your opponent’s movement is perfect for counter-wrestlers and those with quick reactions. In the video below, NCAA All-American and two-time world medalist Bekzod Abdurakhminov demonstrates how to hit a clean double leg takedown off of your opponent’s post from his The Takedown Passport DVD.

Bekzod’s opponent begins by posting their right hand on his left shoulder. He emphasizes that this move doesn’t require both arms to reach out to post, as that would be unrealistic against experienced grapplers. Bekzod responds by popping under the elbow to hit his shot. Notice that his opponent was the first to initiate contact and step forward. This goes back to the premise: using your opponent’s movement against them for your own set-up.

 Ready to step your takedown game to the next level? Click Learn More!!


As Bekzod hits his double leg, he takes a wide step to the outside and his trail leg slides right in the middle of his opponent’s stance. This is atypical from a traditional double leg shot, where you would have your lead leg shooting between your opponent’s legs and your trail leg coming on the outside for directionality. Bekzod’s shot here is really effective when you think about how to chain the move up beyond just a double leg; in fact, this shot can lead right into an outside single if you continue rotating your trail leg behind you and move your head inside. Nevertheless, Bekzod finishes by driving his opponent sideways and collapsing the legs.

Another key point brought up in the video is timing. This move works well when your opponent just makes contact on your shoulder. Waiting until after they have reached your shoulder gives them ample time to work on other tie-ups or set-ups. Popping the elbow under the arm also saves time for you, as Bekzod shows. While you can hit the duck under from the opponent’s post with an inside tie, that requires you to make more contact with your opponent and face the possibility of a back-and-forth tie-up situation. Under the arm means less contact which means less reaction time for them.

Finally, notice how Bekzod hits the duck-under with his knees rather than back. Too often, many inexperienced wrestlers will try to counter a post by bending over or pointing their nose to the ground. Bekzod pops the elbow and bends his knees to make space. Naturally, this goes well with your shot and gets the job done (and saves your back from unnecessary straining).

Bekzod Abdurakhminov’s post counter to the double leg takedown shines a light on one of the key principles in wrestling: use your opponent’s movement offensively and defensively. Rather than waste time tying up with someone and forcing the shot, you can use their eagerness to make contact against them to hit your takedown. The next time your opponent tries to post on your shoulder, be quick to the draw and bring them down to the ground.

Take your takedowns to the next level with The Takedown Passport by Bekzod Abdurakhminov. Bekzod employs years of mat time in his instructions to help you achieve your takedown goals!