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Options Off The Tie With Frank Chamizo

Options Off The Tie With Frank Chamizo

There is no doubt that Frank Chamizo is one of the best in the world at 74Kg. When he was in the Cuban Wrestling program, he won a Bronze medal at the world championships. This is a feat for any wrestler, but Frank achieved this at the age of 18.

After the Olympic’s the Cubans had suspended Frank for two years. Being the competitor Frank is moved with his wife to her home country of Italy and achieved citizenship.

Now Wrestling for his new home flag Frank was like a wrecking ball! From 2015 he has won The Worlds twice. He won four European championships in a row. Won the Mediterranean championship.

Oh did we mention that he took home the Bronze at the 2016 Olympics’ in Rio De Jeniro ,Brazil?

More recently he just gave another two time world champion Kyle Dake all he could handle in a very close match. The fireworks that everyone expected….absolutely did not disappoint!

Frank scored first off of a shot clock failure. Then not to be out done, Dake went on the attack coming up short until the very end of the first period where he managed a pushout.

The score is tied at the half but technically the person who scores last is in the lead by what is known as “Criteria” Frank has to get aggressive and score.

And Score he did with 2 points for back exposure, which is unheard of Chamizo has Dake on the ropes 3-1!

Out of nowhere Dake gets a reversal then launches into a Gut Wrench that yields him 3 points for the combo. Dake is winning.

Not to be outdone Chamizo is engaged against the defensive master that is Kyle Dake. Frank shoots a single and Dake barely has time to see it coming!

10 Seconds on the clock!!!!

Chamizo is going for it and Dake is wrestling his tail off to stay ahead.


Chamizo couldn’t get Dake down, and the final score is 4-3. It does not get any closer than that. The two get up and hug it out, all the hype and trash talk that lead up to this match is gone, and respect is all that fills that void. This is the true sign of great athletes.

Kyle Dake said this about Chamizo and the match “I’ve been working on [my gut wrench] every day still, just to make sure I don’t lose anything,” Dake said. “Frank is a great competitor, and having to go out there and wrestle him is no easy feat. Hats off to him. I’m just excited to be back out here again.”

Being humble in Defeat and knowing this was not the biggest stage to come, as the Olympic Bronze medalist looks to improve the color of his necklace next year in Tokyo. Had this to say to Dake

Good work by Dake. That was fun. I’ll wait for you at the Olympics, if you make it. 74KG. We will see you there. I’ll be there for sure.


The reference being made to the 74KG weight class opposed to the catch weight that they had just competed at.

If we could just rewind to the last 20 seconds of that match to talk about how close it was to being a different outcome. Kyle Dake is one of the best defensive wrestlers in the world and for Frank to get in on a single and come that close to scoring is extraordinary.

The idea that Frank did something Kyle couldn’t see coming is something of a mystery, but that is Frank Chamizo’s style. It is deceptive and smooth, going from one attack to another if the first attack is not just right.

It is hard to explain so check out how Frank uses his high crotch, and if it doesn’t look good his changes to an outside single.


Frank is unreal when it comes to his depth and knowledge about wrestling. Coming from one of the most hardcore programs in the world, Frank has taken all he knows about the Cuban Wrestling style and has started to teach it via instructional series.

Matrix Defense by Frank Chamizo

Check out his style and how to set up traps.