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Kyle Dake Wins The Spanish Grand Prix

Kyle Dake Wins The Spanish Grand Prix


This past weekend, Kyle Dake ran the table at the Spanish Grand Prix going 5-0 in the tournament enroute to bringing home first place. 

Match Results:

Round 1: 7-5 win against Orazgyljov of Turkmenistan

Round 2: 10-0 win against Gilabert of Spain

Round 3: 12-0 win against Tsarakhov of Russian

Round 4 (semi-finals): 12-2 win against Budget of Canada

Round 5 (finals): 5-0 win against Orazgyljov of Turkmenistan

Dake winning this tournament is great news for him and all of his fans because he has been struggling with an injury that had prevented him from competing at Final X last month (the wrestle offs to determine who wrestles for the U.S. at the world championships this fall). Due to his injury, he has been granted a wrestle off against Alex Dieringer on August 17th for a spot on the world team. Those matches will take place in Austin Texas. 

Defense DOES win championships! Click Learn More!!



It is great to see Dake healthy and back on the mat. Hopefully this tournament served as a warm up for him and knocked off any rust he may have built up during his time off because if he wants to repeat this year as a world champion, he still has at least two tough matches ahead of him against Alex Dieringer who is currently ranked 10th in the world by United World Wrestling at 79kg.

Congratulations to Kyle on his amazing performance this past weekend.

If you would like to learn wrestling technique from Kyle Dake, be sure to check out his video series titled “Defense Wins Championships by Kyle Dake”. In this four part series, he covers everything from stance to single leg defense to front headlock defense and much more. Be sure to take advantage of these videos to learn from one of the greatest college wrestlers of all times and current world champion.