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Far Knee Pick With Myles Martin

Far Knee Pick With Myles Martin

Football is a game of inches. Billiards is a game of angles. Curling is a sport requiring a very refined technique. Chess is a game of strategy. Archery requires great mental focus and precision. Gymnastics is a battle between humans and what physics will allow them to achieve with their bodies.

Wrestling is all of this in one sport. 

Wrestling is a game of centimeters that is all about mental focus, technique, and using angles and properties of physics to give yourself an edge. Many wrestling moves require an exact precision that isn’t an expectation im most other sports out there. You have to put that precision into action by keeping every body part consciously in a certain place, using certain techniques to carry out moves, applying the advice that coaches are yelling on the fly, and perfecting the art of using physics and angles to be able to combine your brain and brawn. 

We’ve all heard the saying, “You need to work smarter, not harder.” Well in wrestling, you need to combine the two and work smart while also working hard. Keeping your mind and body working as hard as possible will allow you to work almost any move on anybody that you want. 

Tilts, throws, trips, and many other wrestling moves take advantage of physics. Angles, leverage, and fulcrums are a big part of wrestling whether you realize it or not. Wrestling fans will see feats of physicality while two people are wrestling each other, but the people who really have a deep understanding of the sport will almost see a science class. 

Angles and levers are everywhere in wrestling. Anytime you use a misdirection, it is to gain a better angle. Most of the time that you post a body part to the mat, it is acting as an anchor, giving you leverage. The list goes on and on, but one of the items on that list is the first class lever that is created when a far knee pick is executed. 

Here to show you how to work this move is Big Ten Champion, NCAA Champion, four time NCAA D-1 All American, Myles Martin. Straight from his instructional video package, Modern Misdirection Attacks, here is a clip in which Myles demonstrates how to execute the perfect far knee pick from the underhook position. Do yourself a favor and check this out!



In this video, Myles Martin doesn’t really harp on the “nerdy” aspects of the applied physics of the move, but he goes through it step by step. In watching the video, you can see where the science of wrestling takes place. If you can learn how to utilize that scientific side of wrestling by taking some examples from Martin’s video, you will be a force to be reckoned with. A large part of the effectiveness of this knee pick is because of the undeniable science behind it; not so much of just raw strength and power. Let’s get into it so that you can learn to outsmart your opponent with this great move. 

Master Misdirection with Myles Martin! Click Learn More!



The situation for this move is one that happens all the time across all different skill levels of wrestling. Your opponent is going to have a collar tie on you. Usually when you feel a collar tie on you, you fight it. You’re probably going to try to get rid of that tie to rid your opponent of their control or get one of your own to at least level the playing field. Although, as counterintuitive as it may seem, you are going to need to let your opponent get a good collar tie in order to execute this variation of a far knee pick. 

Instead of fighting the collar tie, you need to get into an over tie on top of your opponent’s collar tie arm. Martin makes sure to specify that you do not want to stay here for long at all, and he is right. When you have an over tie, whoever you are wrestling has almost a free shot at your legs. Your arm is gone, your head is out of the way, and if you have an over tie, you are probably at least a little bit higher than the other guy. 

Luckily, all that you have to do when you have the over tie is immediately cram your opponent’s head down, meaning you won’t have to be in that position for very long. Your opponent will push up against your over tie, forcing him to pop up. When he does that, he is high in his stance, and you can easily get an under hook. 

You may be wondering why you don’t just go straight for an underhook. It may not make sense to risk the over tie position even for the little amount of time that you spend there, especially because Martin doesn’t necessarily answer that question specifically. However, as a wrestler myself, I can tell you that it is helpful to do it the way shown in his video.

It has to do with the leverage mentioned earlier. You can have a deeper underhook with your opponent high up much easier when done the way Martin shows. Otherwise, it is more of a struggle to get in that position. Martin is very skilled, and when you get to that level of wrestling knowledge, every little thing like that becomes intentional. 

But from the under hook, this move is simple. It definitely requires more technique on the front end. When you have an under hook in on your opponent, the next thing to do is raise that arm of yours up. This little bump is going to take place as you reach for the knee to execute the knee pick portion of the move. Bumping your opponent’s arm up makes him more top heavy and stretched out, giving you the leverage to be able to take him down easier. 

The leverage that you have when your opponent is in this stretched out position is so great that the finish is much less technical. Martin shows how you can block either his close or far knee from here and be able to get a takedown. The far knee is more optimal, but it is always good to have a backup plan. Once you block his far knee with your free arm--which is acting as a fulcrum--all you need to do is pressure in. The slightest pressure will cause your opponent to trip over your arm, and you now have a takedown.

Knowing and implementing this move into your arsenal will definitely help you improve as a wrestler, but why limit yourself and stop there? Myles Martin has much more wisdom to share, and he does this in Modern Misdirection Attacks.

Modern Misdirection Attacks by Myles Martin
 Don’t be complacent about where you are in your wrestling journey. Drill the basics, but also learn new skills and experiment. Martin is the perfect teacher for you to learn and expand your knowledge, so don’t miss out on all of the amazing content in Modern Misdirection Attacks.