The Single Leg Takedown by Jimmy Sheptock
Learn The Most Effective Shot In Wrestling: It Works Against Any Defense Or Counter If Employed Correctly
- NCAA All-American, National Finalist, and current D1 coach Jimmy Sheptock shows the technique and strategies around shooting and scoring the single leg
- With these systems around scoring with leg attacks, you can increase your attack rate, finishing rate, and winning record.
- Overcome the biggest problems and modern defenses with Jimmy’s solutions to finishing every time you get to the leg.
- More high level matches are decided with single legs than any other takedown!
- See the secret details behind what makes for the best single leg shots.
Learn The Most Effective Shot In Wrestling: It Works Against Any Defense Or Counter If Employed Correctly
- NCAA All-American, National Finalist, and current D1 coach Jimmy Sheptock shows the technique and strategies around shooting and scoring the single leg
- With these systems around scoring with leg attacks, you can increase your attack rate, finishing rate, and winning record.
- Overcome the biggest problems and modern defenses with Jimmy’s solutions to finishing every time you get to the leg.
- More high level matches are decided with single legs than any other takedown!
- See the secret details behind what makes for the best single leg shots.
Learn The Most Effective Shot In Wrestling Against Any Defense Or Counter If Employed Correctly
NCAA All-American And National Finalist Jimmy Sheptock Shows The Most Efficient Single Leg Takedowns In The US That Will Work For Anyone: He Shows Every Last Detail
Master the most effective shot in wrestling with this instructional series based all around the single leg takedown. NCAA All-American, National Finalist, and current D1 coach Jimmy Sheptock shows the technique and strategies around shooting and scoring the single leg, statistically the most effective hold at the highest levels of folkstyle and freestyle wrestling. This 4-volume series will give you a series on how to become the most efficient finisher you can be with hours of information.
Wrestlers who are able to score with the single leg takedown understand how to set things up, shoot, and chain wrestle to finish on the mat. Jimmy Sheptock, one of the assistant coaches at Harvard University, shows every phase with careful detail and instruction on how to be the most technical wrestler on the mat. With these systems around scoring with leg attacks, you can increase your attack rate, finishing rate, and winning record.
One of the biggest struggles for offensive wrestlers can be finishing the single leg. Overcome the biggest problems and modern defenses with Jimmy’s solutions to finishing every time you get to the leg. You can chain wrestle through the position to reliable takedowns, landing in dominant positions even against elite defenders.
Jimmy’s best takedowns come from inside ties and strong positioning, and he shows how to control the arms and work from inside for the best shots with high finishing rates. See the secret details behind what makes for the best single leg shots. Learn the important details behind finishing the single leg every time, without getting countered by tricky scramblers.
This 4-volume series will teach you how to attack wrestling’s best shot. More high level matches are decided with single legs than any other takedown and now you can learn how NCAA finalist and ACC Champion Jimmy Sheptock had so much success at the division one level, and what he teaches his athletes at the D1 level. Don’t miss this chance to learn the move that can work for anyone, the fundamentals to the single leg takedown.
So What’s On This Series
Volume 1- Introduction
- Closing The Gap
- Head Position
- Creating Space in the Collar Tie
- Elbow Pass
- Clearing Underhook - Head Chop
- Clearing Underhook - Thigh Block
- Clearing Underhook - Overhook Throw By
- 2-On-1 Clearing Top Hand
- 2-On-1 Elbow Pass
- Clearing Wrist Control
- Inside Tie Sweep Single
- Head Inside Single Back Step
- Head InsideSingle Run The Pipe
- Head Inside Trip Series
- Head Inside Foot Outside Club Chop
- Head Inside High Single Foot Outside Front Trip
- Head Inside High Single Foot Outside Foot Turk
- Head Inside High Single Foot Outside Foot Hook
- Head Inside Single Peek Out
- Head Inside Finish Low
- Head Inside Finish Low Variation (Elbow Backside)
- Finishing Low When Partner Has Whizzer
- Limp Arm Finish
- Belly Whizzer Shoulder Crank From Seatbelt
- High Crotch Head Wheel to Double
- Run The Pipe From High C
- Run The Pipe Step In Double Across
- Finishing Low From Crackdown Into Hip Shelf
- Leg Hook to Double From Crackdown
- Crackdown Hand to Ankle Hip Bump
- Misdirect Fake Sweep Outside Step
- Misdirection to Elbow High (Comb the Hair)
- General Overview
So What Does It All cost?