Systematic Cradles and Pinning Combinations by Bo Nickal
Lock On Cradles From Everywhere (No Matter Your Body Type) To Start Scoring Big Points And Finishing Matches
- Learn Hodge Trophy Winner Bo Nickal’s System For Locking On Match-ending Cradles With Maximum Leverage
- Learn the same finishing touches that Bo used to win NCAA titles, the Hodge trophy, and a U23 World Championship
- No matter what defense your opponent uses, Bo shows you how to counter with technique
- Combine these attacks with some sneaky but effective tilts to give yourself a dangerous top game that can light up scoreboards
Lock On Cradles From Everywhere (No Matter Your Body Type) To Start Scoring Big Points And Finishing Matches
- Learn Hodge Trophy Winner Bo Nickal’s System For Locking On Match-ending Cradles With Maximum Leverage
- Learn the same finishing touches that Bo used to win NCAA titles, the Hodge trophy, and a U23 World Championship
- No matter what defense your opponent uses, Bo shows you how to counter with technique
- Combine these attacks with some sneaky but effective tilts to give yourself a dangerous top game that can light up scoreboards
Lock On Cradles From Everywhere (No Matter Your Body Type) To Start Scoring Big Points And Finishing Matches
Crunch up your next opponent with these airtight cradles and score back points and pinfalls with Bo Nickal’s guide for effective top wrestling. Learn the same finishing touches that Bo used to win NCAA titles, the Hodge trophy, and a U23 World Championship, as he teaches a step-by-step manual for locking up and turning from top. Get the key details to all of Bo’s signature cradles with this new two-volume series for pinning mastery.
Starting from his favorite ways to create pressure and ride, start learning how Bo made a career out of locking on cradles and slowly tightening them up until he can get the pin. No matter what defense your opponent uses, Bo shows you how to counter with technique so you can still pick up back points and pins. With all these variations to use, you can keep people rolling all season.
Across these two-volumes, learn some of wrestling’s most effective holds (including pinning combinations that Bo has used to win NCAA and U23 World championships). Combine these attacks with some sneaky but effective tilts to give yourself a dangerous top game that can light up scoreboards. The Penn State champion’s detailed instruction is clear and thorough, so grapplers of any age can benefit from Bo’s expertise.
Hodge trophy winner Bo Nickal’s system for cradles will have you finding attacks from everywhere, and getting maximum leverage (no matter your body type!). With two volumes PACKED with detailed instruction from this world-class wrestler, you can totally change the way you wrestle from top with these battle tested techniques. Learn how Bo turned himself into one of the most prolific NCAA pinners ever with this top wrestling series designed to improve anyone’s pinning ability and point scoring potential.
So What's On This Series
Volume 1
- Introduction
- Pressure Forward to Ankle Ride
- 2 on 1 Tilt
- Cross Wrist Tilt
- Roll Through Tilt
- Cross Face Cradle
- Roll Through Cradle
- Cross Face Cradle to Cartwheel Finish
Volume 2
- Nearside Cradle
- Hammerlock to Tilt
- Hammerlock to Snake/Nearside Cradle
- Optional Start to Far Side Cradle
- Optional Start to Near Side Cradle
So What Does It All Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth for you to learn these cradles you can hit from anywhere? Taught by a Hodge Trophy winner?
We could have easily charged you $100
But we're not going to do that
Instead, cut that price by more than 50%
You can get Systematic Cradles and Pinning Combinations for just