Precision Foot Sweeps by Steve Mocco
Use These Simple Hidden Takedowns And Score With Steve Mocco’s Signature Takedown: The Foot Sweep
- Master the most overlooked move in wrestling from Olympian Steve Mocco with these effective trips
- Steve Mocco is a 2-time NCAA Champion, 2008 Olympian, and one of the most intimidating wrestlers of all time
- At every single level, including at the Olympic games, Mocco hit people with foot sweeps
- Learn the hand fighting, footwork, and drills that Steve uses to set up his attacks with timing and precision
Use These Simple Hidden Takedowns And Score With Steve Mocco’s Signature Takedown: The Foot Sweep
- Master the most overlooked move in wrestling from Olympian Steve Mocco with these effective trips
- Steve Mocco is a 2-time NCAA Champion, 2008 Olympian, and one of the most intimidating wrestlers of all time
- At every single level, including at the Olympic games, Mocco hit people with foot sweeps
- Learn the hand fighting, footwork, and drills that Steve uses to set up his attacks with timing and precision
Use These Simple Hidden Takedowns And Score With Steve Mocco’s Signature Takedown: The Foot Sweep
Sweep your next opponent off their feet with Steve Mocco’s guide to hitting the most underused takedown in all of wrestling, the foot sweep. Steve Mocco is a 2-time NCAA Champion, 2008 Olympian, and one of the most intimidating wrestlers of all time and now you can learn his trademark move from the man himself. Learn the same foot sweeps that Steve used to win national titles and huge international matches, as he shows you how to attack in ways that are as effective as they are unexpected.
Steve Mocco had a legendary career in wrestling, and was elite at every level of the sport. He won high school national titles, NCAA titles, the Hodge trophy (as a heavyweight!) and represented the USA at the 2008 Olympics. At every single level, including at the Olympic games, Mocco hit people with foot sweeps and it quickly became his trademark in big matches. Now you can learn the secrets behind the technique from the man himself.
Learn the hand fighting, footwork, and drills that Steve uses to set up his attacks with timing and precision. Once you have the techniques to use these effective trips, Steve shows how he uses them from anywhere with step-by-step instruction on how to wrestle with foot sweeps from underhooks, overhooks, two-on-ones and more. These are dynamic systems with options to both sides, and you can use them now with these technical secrets from Mocco.
So What's On This Series
Volume 1
- Foot Sweep Drills
- Foot Swep From Collar Tie
- Collar Tie Inside Out
- Straight Across Foot Sweep
- Two On One Foot Sweep
- Hip to Hip From Two On One
Volume 2
- Inside Ankle PIck
- Two On One Drape Leg
- Two On One Uchi Mata
- Sticky Foot
- Step On The Foot
- Underhook Foot Sweep
- Over Under Foot Sweep
Volume 3
- 50/50 Combo
- Inside Trip
- Whip
- Polish Throw From Over Under
- Trip From Overtie
- Trip From Slide By
So What Does It All Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth for you to learn this super effective takedown that you can hit from anywhere?
We could have easily charged you $157
But we're not going to do that
Instead, cut that price by more than 50%
You can get Precision Foot Sweeps by Steve Mocco for just