The Takedown Passport by Bekzod Abdurakhminov
Learn Takedown Secrets Of Elite Eastern European Wrestling: Dirty Leg Attacks, Easy Finishes, And Super Effective Counters
- Learn the takedowns, counters, set ups, and finishes that Bekzod Abdurakmonov has used to become an international force
- NCAA All-American and two-time world medalist Bekzod Aburakhmonov, one of the only men to ever beat American legend Jordan Burroughs
- Bekzod has some of the slickest and most effective leg attacks in the world
- Learn to attack and defend takedowns like you never thought possible
- It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced wrestler, a newcomer to the sport, or a coach trying to find new ways to challenge his team
Learn Takedown Secrets Of Elite Eastern European Wrestling: Dirty Leg Attacks, Easy Finishes, And Super Effective Counters
- Learn the takedowns, counters, set ups, and finishes that Bekzod Abdurakmonov has used to become an international force
- NCAA All-American and two-time world medalist Bekzod Aburakhmonov, one of the only men to ever beat American legend Jordan Burroughs
- Bekzod has some of the slickest and most effective leg attacks in the world
- Learn to attack and defend takedowns like you never thought possible
- It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced wrestler, a newcomer to the sport, or a coach trying to find new ways to challenge his team
Learn Takedown Secrets Of Elite Eastern European Wrestling: Dirty Leg Attacks, Easy Finishes, And Super Effective Counters
Watch as Bekzod demonstrates an incredible Front Head Throw
What Will You Learn:
Now is the time to expose yourself to a whole new takedown style and improve your takedown game using these leg attacks and takedowns from NCAA All-American and two-time world medalist Bekzod Aburakhmonov, one of the only men to ever beat American legend Jordan Burroughs.
Bekzod has some of the slickest and most effective leg attacks in the world, and he is here with Fanatic Wrestling to show how he gets it done at the Senior level in this new 4-volume set. With some of the slickest technique around, developed in freestyle in his native Uzbekistan before he wrestled Division-1 for Clarion, Bekzod shows a full arsenal of ways you can create a lot of offense and reliably get to a leg.
The American style since the days of Dan Gable has been one of the toughest, most grinding wrestling styles in the world, with lots of pressure, handfighting, and willpower. Meanwhile, the foreign style has always instead favored technique over intensity, letting their leverage and positioning be what decides the match.
It’s a really different way to wrestle, and even our elite wrestlers have to take time getting used to competing against it! Now, with this four volume edition of “The Takedown Passport”, it’s like getting to attend an overseas camp from the comfort of your own home as you learn all the tricks, traps, and attacks that wrestlers have been working on outside our country.
Bekzod has been an international terror, winning medals and beating world champions like Jordan Burroughs, and he has done it by living on the legs with quick set ups and easy finishes.
On each volume, you will get high level instruction from one of the best technicians on the world level today, learning how to shoot the right way from any situation, getting to the shot and then finishing for two points every time with the key details on how to always use leverage and positioning to its highest.
Bekzod shows how to work from any tie up to get to his singles, doubles, high crotches, and ankle picks, and each one he explains what he’s doing that our American wrestlers aren’t paying attention to. Give yourself a huge advantage next season by adding in some international attacks to your arsenal.
Bekzod has a style that is truly unique in the world, because of his wrestling journey. After being born in the Soviet Union (now Uzbekistan), Bekzod built his base in freestyle before coming to America and wrestling folkstyle for Clarion, where he placed as high as third in the nation.
Now, he wrestles and trains for the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club and represents his mother country internationally, where he’s won two bronze medals and placed 5th at the 2016 Olympics (including a 10-0 tech fall win over Jordan Burroughs). By mixing these two disciples of wrestling, Bekzod has been able to innovate and refine his work, bringing together the best of both worlds for your benefit.
Here Bekzod is going to show you how to Limp Arm Underhook
What This Series Will Show You:
Go Around The World For 2 Points Every Time With This Neutral Wrestling Masterclass From One Of The Best 74kg Seniors In The World
-Learn some of Bekzod’s go-to takedowns and attacks from the 2-on-1 tie, and the arm drag. In each position, learn how to you can deal with any counter with this series of moves, always progressing towards the takedown. Something especially highlighted is how to mix upper-body moves like arm drags and fireman’s carries with singles and doubles, to multiply the effectiveness of each. With a full series of what to do, you can work with a gameplan around how to work through any position for the takedown. Some of Bekzod’s best takedowns come from simple setups, done at their most efficient. From posts, wrist control, or misdirection off of a collar tie, you can see the little details behind efficiency and effectiveness.
-Every year in freestyle, we see new and incredible counters being invented and hit and now you can get in on these slick reversals with Bekzod’s instruction. From single legs, double, high crotches, and more, you can now wrestle through every position and turn their shots into your points by using these easy-to-understand techniques. By combining these new shots with an array of counters ready for any situation, you can become a takedown machine next season in new and exciting ways.
So What Techniques Are On The Series?
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
So What Does It All Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth to learn the secrets that led Bekzod to a 10-0 defeat over the great Jordan Burroughs?
What would you pay to be able to get the 2 on nearly anyone?
We could have easily charged $77
But we're not going to do that
Instead, cut that price by almost 50%
That's right, get the Takedown Passport for just