The Complete Bottom Wrestling System by Jon Morrison
- Master the inside leg stand up to provide a go-to strategy from the bottom.
- Defend and defeat the most effective riding techniques, with efficient, repeatable movements that ANY athlete can learn.
- Learn multiple methods to clear leg rides and it’s multiple variations.
- Stop getting flattened out, control the action with a clear cut path of attack.
- Never be out of the match with a systematic approach to battling from the bottom!
- Master the inside leg stand up to provide a go-to strategy from the bottom.
- Defend and defeat the most effective riding techniques, with efficient, repeatable movements that ANY athlete can learn.
- Learn multiple methods to clear leg rides and it’s multiple variations.
- Stop getting flattened out, control the action with a clear cut path of attack.
- Never be out of the match with a systematic approach to battling from the bottom!
Learn Effective Escapes And Reversals From EVERYWHERE! This Bottom Wrestling System From DMV RTC Head Coach Jon Morrison Is A Bulletproof Guide To Bottom Wrestling Success
Let’s face it, wrestling from the bottom can be a taxing endeavor. Many wrestlers thrive from the top position because it provides numerous benefits. The simple fact is your opponent has gravity on their side. The Complete Bottom Wrestling System is a 3-part series where Jon Morrison lays out a systematic gameplan to turn the tables against your opponent with slick reversals and evasive escapes.
Jon Morrison, current head coach for the DMV Regional Training Center, is here to provide a systematic approach to defending and defeating the top positions BEST techniques. Whether your opponent is trying to flatten you out, claw ride, crab ride, or throw in legs Jon has an answer for each technique! With clear direction from the bottom, you can look to get ahead of your opponent and turn their advantages against them.
Staying active is the only way to win from the bottom. Waiting around for your opponent to act is a surefire way to give up points or worse the whole match. The Complete Bottom Wrestling System shows you exactly what to do right from the whistle. Every escape and reversal that is covered is downright effective, what’s even better is you can start to chain your techniques together to create a hard to stop escape system.
Stop giving up easy points, and turn the tide of battle with Jon’s easy-to-follow system. Create space with inside leg stand ups and fight back to your feet or unwind powerful controls from your opponent. Jon covers the essentials in this Masterclass on wrestling from the bottom.
Check out the complete technique list below!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:
- Introduction & The Importance Of Bottom
- Inside Leg Stand Up
- Hip Heisting Away
Dealing with the cross wrist position
- Dealing with people dropping to ankles
- Kneesliding Back In
- Grappling Skills
- Fat Man Roll
- Sit Out, Turn In
- The Switch
- Granby Roll
Part 2
- Clearing Rides
- Tight Waist & Ankle
- Ankle Hook
- Claw Ride
- Tight Waist & Ankle Chain Wrestling (put after ankle hook)
- Using a changeover
- Crab Ride Option 1
- Crab Ride Option 2
- Clearing Single Wrist Position
- Building Your Base
Part 3
Clearing Legs
- Clearing Legs - Basics & Power Half
- Clearing Legs - Head & Arm
- Clearing Legs - Gripping Their Own Leg
- Clearing Legs - Double Boots
So What Does It All Cost?