Ultimate Askren Wrestling by Ben Askren
Ben Askren was an NCAA D-1 Wrestler and is notorious for being one of the greatest and most technical wrestlers on the planet
- Ben is a well seasoned combat veteran with an excellent system for bringing someone down to the ground
- Ben makes it easy to implement wrestling on anybody, no matter their size, skill, or athletic level
- This is your opportunity to increase your takedown percentage
- Learn to attack and defend takedowns like you never thought possible
- Learn the ins and outs of a system that has seen success across a multitude of combat arts including Wrestling, MMA, BJJ, and more
Ben Askren was an NCAA D-1 Wrestler and is notorious for being one of the greatest and most technical wrestlers on the planet
- Ben is a well seasoned combat veteran with an excellent system for bringing someone down to the ground
- Ben makes it easy to implement wrestling on anybody, no matter their size, skill, or athletic level
- This is your opportunity to increase your takedown percentage
- Learn to attack and defend takedowns like you never thought possible
- Learn the ins and outs of a system that has seen success across a multitude of combat arts including Wrestling, MMA, BJJ, and more
The Askren brothers' secrets to dominating the wrestling mats.
Hand Fighting
Single Leg Takedown
Part 2:
High Crotch Double Leg Takedowns
Part 3:
Basic Headlock Defence
Part 4:
Position Sealing Quad Pod
Part 5:
Elevator Leg Crab Defence
First Move Stopper
Part 6:
Cradles, Hammerlock, Crossface, Assassin
Part 7:
Leg Crab Ride w Mat Returns
Part 8:
Funky Fresh
So What Does It All Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth to you to learn the secrets of some of the best wrestlers in competitive history?
We could have easily charged you $147, but we're not going to do that, instead, cut that price by almost 50%
That's right, get this set for just

Ben and Max were the 10th set of brothers in history to both win Division I NCAA titles
Check out Ben Askren's take on the Drive Across To Double Leg
What Will You Learn:
Featuring Ben Askren, 2x NCAA Champion (4x NCAA finalist) and 2x Dan Hodge Trophy winner at the University of Missouri; 2008 US Olympian; and Max Askren, 2010 NCAA Champion, 3x All-American, and 2x Big 12 Champion at the University of Missouri;
Ben Askren has quickly become one of the biggest standouts in Mixed Martial Arts purely because of the effectiveness of his wrestling. Ben is widely considered one of, if not the best wrestlers on the entire planet.
In this series he is going to draw back the curtains and let you in on all the secrets that led him to success in his wrestling career. Ben has a wide arsenal of attacks that address both the lower body and the upper body.
All to often wrestlers today focus solely on lower body takedowns and mixing in upper body throws and control can be a game changer.
Check out Ben Askren's great trick to hand fighting, the "Hand Fighting Honey Badger."
The Askren brothers don't stop there. They have come up with an incredible defensive systems that will aide you in developing sound fundamentals for defense.
Defense is a critical aspect of being a high level wrestler and competing on the senior level. There will come a time when you have an opponent that you are equally matched with and the differentiating factor will lie in your defensive skills.
If you want to increase both your offense and defense, look no further. The Askren brothers are not only high level competitors but they are incredible teachers.
So What Exactly Will You Get?
Part 1: