The Art of Misdirection Wrestling by Mario Mason
Master Misdirection With Mario Mason! Use These Slick Setups To Get Your Opponent So Out Of Position That Scoring Takedowns Is Easier Than Ever.
- Use misdirection to catch your opponent off-guard with former Rutgers standout Mario Mason!
- Create motion with superior footwork that gives you control over the action.
- Learn to fake and shift in a way that your opponent MUST react to! Use these forced reactions to stay a step ahead of the competition.
- Mario covers how to use the open stance in a way that leaves you able to attack from all angles with lightning-quick precision.
- Misdirection is also an effective defensive tool that puts your opponent out of position to score
- Exploit this weakness to score from defensive positions!
Master Misdirection With Mario Mason! Use These Slick Setups To Get Your Opponent So Out Of Position That Scoring Takedowns Is Easier Than Ever.
- Use misdirection to catch your opponent off-guard with former Rutgers standout Mario Mason!
- Create motion with superior footwork that gives you control over the action.
- Learn to fake and shift in a way that your opponent MUST react to! Use these forced reactions to stay a step ahead of the competition.
- Mario covers how to use the open stance in a way that leaves you able to attack from all angles with lightning-quick precision.
- Misdirection is also an effective defensive tool that puts your opponent out of position to score
- Exploit this weakness to score from defensive positions!
Master Misdirection With Mario Mason! Use These Slick Setups To Get Your Opponent So Out Of Position That Scoring Takedowns Is Easier Than Ever.
Use misdirection to catch your opponent off-guard with former Rutgers standout Mario Mason
What Will You Learn?
Mario Mason, former Rutgers and Blair Academy standout, is here to teach you efficient methods of misdirection for wrestling success. Footwork is a surefire method to find advantageous angles of attack. Mason teaches in a way that even the most uncoordinated athlete can find the rhythm and learn to control the tempo of the match. What is tempo?
Set Up Crisp Attacks With These Championship Combos
Controlling the action of a wrestling match can be referred to as controlling the tempo. This provides a distinct advantage in timing techniques. The Art Of Misdirection Wrestling teaches you how to force a reaction out of your opponent. By knowing how your opponent will react you can remain a step ahead of them with your next attack. This is why misdirection is such a powerful tool for wrestlers of ANY style!
Take Control With These Slick Misdirection Attacks
The Art Of Misdirection Wrestling covers using misdirection from an open stance, elbow ties, collar ties and more! Misdirection doesn’t always come from the outside either. Mario covers how to use tie-ups to create a hard to stop rhythm that puts your opponent out of position. This leaves you in a solid defensive position while affording you a powerful platform to launch single legs, double legs, and high crotch takedowns!
If you are looking for a unique approach to snagging single legs and dominating with double legs The Art Of Misdirection Wrestling Slick Takedown Tricks is for you. Use the power of misdirection to take strength and athleticism OUT OF THE EQUATION!
Check out the complete technique list below!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:
- Part One: Introduction to Movement and Misdirection Scoring
- Introduction
- Creating Motion
- Fake and Shift
- Forcing Reactions
- Conditioning Opponent With Hands and Motion
- Introduction to Misdirection Wrestling A, B, C's
- Change Off Drill A, B, C
Part 2:
- Part Two: Open Stance Scoring and Misdirections
- Quick Collar Tie
- Double Leg Positioning and Finish
- Open Stance 'A' Collar to Pick, Climb Up Double Leg
- Open Stance 'B' Fake Low Attack, Punch Across to Inside Reach Single
- Open Stance 'C' Super Duck
- Wada A - Low Swinging Double Finish
- Wada B - Miss Left Heel, Swing Across Right Hand Single Leg
- Wada C - Single Back Left
Part 3
- Part Three: Making Contact Scoring and Misdirections
- Yona A - Outside Step to Double Leg
- Yona B - Outside Step to Left Handed High Crotch
- Yona C - Outside Step to Cutback
- Elbow Tie A - Duck Under
- Elbow Tie B - Low Ankle Shot Right Side
- Elbow Tie C - Low Ankle Shot Left Side, Head Around The Corner
Part 4
Part Four: Defensive Scoring and Misdirections
- Short Offense - Introduction to Short Offense Off Of Fakes
- Short Offense A - Simple Block and Score
- Short Offense B - Inside Drag
- Short Offense C - Fake Drag to Knee Drag Opposite Side
- Short Offense Tricks A - Opposite Side Knee Drag
- Short Offense Tricks B - Cartwheel
- Short Offense Tricks C - Pancake
- Short Offense Tricks D - Kamikaze Roll
- Closing
So, What Does It Cost?