Funky Front Headlock Wrestling by Max Askren
- Look deeply into both front headlock offense and defense, and take note of all the details in between so you can be effective in both sides of the position.
- Check out every aspect of the position such as getting to and maintaining the front headlock, scoring, and transitions to other dominant positions.
- Focus on the importance of using your head to cut off angles on defense and begin to escape the front headlock with ease.
- Look deeply into both front headlock offense and defense, and take note of all the details in between so you can be effective in both sides of the position.
- Check out every aspect of the position such as getting to and maintaining the front headlock, scoring, and transitions to other dominant positions.
- Focus on the importance of using your head to cut off angles on defense and begin to escape the front headlock with ease.
National Wrestling Champion Max Askren Brings The Front Headlock Heat With This All Inclusive Series That Will Dramatically Increase Your Ability To Control & Score With Takedowns & Turns
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
The front headlock is an extremely versatile position that offers a massive amount of control. It’s a great position to be in on offense, and a pretty undesirable position to be on defense. In this series, Max Askren covers every aspect of this position, helping to increase your control and scoring ability on offense as well as providing the best strategies for escapes and transitions on defense.
Start by looking at the fundamentals of the position and check out the best ways to get to the front headlock and maintain it. Pick up the adjustments that allow for the maximum amount of control such as the football tie and bouncing down. Utilize all of these strategies to lock the position down and start setting yourself up with opportunities to score relentlessly.
Dive into some of the best scoring techniques such as the honey badger cement mixer and the knee tap, and have your opponent wishing they were absolutely anywhere else. Master the mantis offense and focus on the importance of freeing your elbow; all fairly simple techniques that will increase your success from this position tenfold.
Make sure you never get stuck in the front headlock by picking up one of the most important defensive tactics; using your head to cut off angles. Max also teaches you multiple other important variations such as European front headlock and mantis defense. As you watch Max rep out the techniques in this series, you will immediately see and be attracted to the level of control they offer. Become the dominant opponent you've always wanted to be and check out his instructional now!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?